1:1 Private tutor Dutch
Private lessons Dutch
A private tutor is great if your schedule asks for flexibility. With your teacher you decide what you want to focus on, be it conversational skills, sentence structure perfection or preparation for exams.
We're convinced that enjoying the process of learning is super important, that's why we make an effort in helping you find joy in learning Dutch.
Why be serious if you're learning the ability to make jokes in a new language?!
Private Dutch lessons
You live in the Netherlands and you want to make an effort in learning the language. Sure, it's frustrating that many people keep talking back in English. But you're not the kind to give up!
Learning Dutch with Lingo can help you:
Feel more grounded;
Understand your surroundings;
Get a sense of Dutch culture;
Make new friends!
We work with newcomers from countries all over the world, with different educational backgrounds. What kind of class we're teaching, depends on the student we're working with. Everyone learns language in a different way, and it depends on you whether we focus on conversation, writing, pronunciation - though all aspects will be treated in class.
We’ll probably listen to songs and play games - who said learning Dutch isn’t lots of fun?!
We start with a free 30-minute intake to assess your level and discuss what you want to focus on in your lessons. Pricing information Punch card 10 hours (valid for 3 months) € 595 single payment or 3x 209,95 p/m Punch card 20 hours (valid for 6 months)€ 999 single payment or 6x 174,95 p/m Punch card 30 hours (valid for 9 months)€ 1395 single payment or 9x 164,95 p/m This rate includes methodology advice, course design, lesson preparation and homework correction.
A 3-hour excursion to put knowledge into practice, to challenge the students and learn about local culture. Theme and level are tailored to the group.
A Boekenclub for more advanced students, using books to improve reading and grammar.
The Workshop 2-daagse is great if you want to focus on one specific item. It might be sentence structure, preposition, verb conjugation, or what to say to your Dutch date. Two 2-hour sessions will get you ahead!
Or join the Klets Club to practice your Dutch conversation skills with other Dutch learners!